The Benefits of Co-Working for Small Businesses

Owning a small business is not an easy feat, especially today when big business runs the show. Every component in the business, big or small, is hugely important in the overall success of the company. Some factors, however, just may be the difference in taking a small business to the next level. Having a workplace where employees feel comfortable and supported is one key factor to a prosperous business.
Co-working office spaces are the future of the business world and have proven so. Having the option to consult with and share ideas with other like minded business owners and freelancers gives you the chance to bring different ideas and opinions into how you do your work and could expand your business more than you ever dreamed.
If your work environment is not suiting the needs of your business and you need more of things such as collaboration and interaction with like minded individuals, shared office spaces are the solution to your problem. In a recent study, 71% of shared office users report a boost in creativity. For a freelancer or small business owner, an increase in creativity could mean a lot more money in your company’s pocket.
Owning and running your own office space is stressful, not to mention the outrageous cost of having a functional space. Whether it be the overhead price of equipment or continued fees for maintenance, owning a workplace is not easy. Shared spaces cut down greatly on the cost of a workplace, while preserving the quality of a conventional office.
Brownstone Office Park in Mandeville, LA is leading the way on the North Shore and will soon be offering state of the art co-working spaces. Brownstone Office Park has a proven track record with assisting small business growth with our existing Executive Office and Virtual Suites. We are excited to expand our services to include co-working spaces. Call today for more information about our existing Executive Office Suites, Virtual Suites, or planned Co-Working Spaces.